One of the biggest wishes of many families is to have children. But, normal postpartum It is one of the periods during pregnancy that needs attention. When the expectant mother learns that she is pregnant, she wonders when her baby will be born and has many questions about birth methods.
Although normal birth is generally a recommended form of birth, in some cases, cesarean section is a life-saving surgery. Do not forget to consult your gynecologist and obstetrician for the birth method that is suitable for you.
What is Normal Birth?
Normal birth, which is a method of birth that has been used for centuries, is also known as natural birth. The operation is performed without medication, painkillers or any medical intervention. Because normal postpartum The healing process may be more painless. Normal birth, which occurs when the baby comes out of the vaginal area as a result of contractions, occurs between the 37th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. It takes place between weeks.
Normal birth occurs in three stages;
- In the first stage, contractions occur in the uterus. These contractions occur every 10-15 minutes and can last approximately 14-16 hours. During this time, the cervix is expected to dilate 8-10 cm. As time passes, the intensity of contraction and pain increases, and the interval between which contractions are felt may decrease to 2-3 minutes.
- The second stage is the stage where the baby is born. This stage occurs when the mother makes pushing and straining movements. This phase may take a short time, or it may take up to a few hours.
- In the third stage, the last stage, the umbilical cord, called the placenta, is separated from the uterus.
When Does Birth Occur?
On-term birth occurs between 37-42 weeks after the baby completes its development. When the baby is born, the mother begins to experience uterine contractions and regular pains. Sometimes, the discharge of the bloody mucous plug from the cervix or the breaking of water are also signs of birth. As soon as these symptoms appear, the expectant mother's doctor should be contacted and the doctor should be taken to the hospital with his or her guidance.
How many weeks does it take for a baby to be born?
After expectant mothers learn that they are pregnant, they wonder in which week the baby will be born. To calculate the time of birth, it is necessary to add 40 weeks from the 1st day of the last menstrual period. Apart from counting the days and weeks, doctors can also estimate when the baby will be born using ultrasound images.
In order to approximately calculate the date of birth, it is of great importance to see a doctor as soon as the pregnancy is noticed. In this way, the baby can be followed by the doctor every day and week.
Normal Postpartum Nutrition
The breastfeeding mother's diet should contain more calories, protein and calcium than normal. While mothers should consume 2500 calories a day during pregnancy, normal postpartum This value increases to 3000 calories. To meet energy needs, foods such as meat, fish, chicken, beans, chickpeas, fruits and vegetables should be consumed at every meal.
- It should be taken from each shrine sufficiently and without skipping meals.
- It is recommended to avoid floury, fatty and fried foods and to focus on juicy foods.
- It is recommended that one should not use substances such as cigarettes and alcohol, and avoid consuming tea and coffee.
- Hot, sour, spicy, that is, gas-inducing foods should not be consumed.
Things to Consider After Normal Birth
There are issues to be considered during the postpartum period as well as what to do during pregnancy and birth. During this period, which begins after the baby is born and lasts an average of 6 weeks, some changes occur in both the psychology and physiology of the mother. After normal birth There are some points that expectant mothers should pay attention to in order to get through the process easily.
- Expectant mothers who give birth normally must be kept under hospital surveillance for 24 hours.
- After discharge, mothers are recommended to rest at home.
- You should rest and not lie down all the time. Walking around the house and doing simple tasks are important factors that increase the mother's circulation.
- To avoid constipation, plenty of water should be consumed and fibrous foods should be preferred.
- To take a shower, you should wait until the day recommended by your doctor and take a shower while standing.
- It is recommended that the baby's general check-ups and vaccinations should not be interrupted.
- Breastfeeding mothers should not use any other medicines other than the medicines and vitamins prescribed by their doctor.