On the one hand, the structural changes required for contraction and energy storage in the cells of the myometrium are accelerated, and on the other hand, changes that will enable opening of the collum tissue are achieved:
What is Uterus?
UterusIt can be defined as the female reproductive organ with the cervix, called the cervix, at the far end of the uterus and the fallopian tubes extending to the ovaries on both sides of the uterus.
Contraction Preparation in Myometrium Cells:
As in every living cell, the myometrium cell also has a BIOELECTRIC ACTIVE membrane. Intracellular metabolism prevents K+ ions from escaping. Thus, it constantly draws in K+ ions and ensures K+ ion accumulation inside the cell. Meanwhile, it pumps Na+ ions out of the cell membrane. Eventually the positive ion charge outside the cell membrane increases.
The ions are polarized inside and outside, resulting in a level difference called: Membrane potential, Diffusion potential, Rest potential. The most important task of intracellular metabolism in muscles is to provide the aforementioned Na+ and K+ level differences with ion pumps. Preparation of the uterus for birth This polarization can be disrupted by any stimulus. Na+ begins to escape from the depolarized cell membrane at great speed, K+ ion begins to escape to the outside, and an action current is born.
These action currents spread in salvos and chase each other in the cells, causing contraction of the myometrium. After each stimulation, intracellular metabolism begins to pump K+ ions in and Na+ ions out.
The impaired resting potential, that is, ion polarization, is restored. It is accepted that other ions such as K+ and Na+ also affect this membrane potential.
Preparation for Birth in the Connective Tissue and Collum Uteri:
Bağ dokusunun gerek yapısı ve gerekse dağılımı değişir; bir yönde korptaki bağ dokusu rölatif olarak azalır, hakim unsur kas dokusudur. Mukopolisakkarit’den yapılmış olan bağ dokusu kollum’un %95’ini kapsar. Bağ dokusunda amorf kollagen maddeler ve elastik lifler vardır. Korpusta da kollagen maddeler hakimdir.
It makes it easier for muscle fibers to slide over each other. Elastic fibers are prominent in the colum. Estrogen hormone depolymerizes the amorphous intermediate tissue, binds water and electrolytes, and turns it into a viscous consistency.
Radical physical and chemical changes occur in the collum connective tissue just before birth: Vascularization and depolymerization go very far. Electrolyte and water accumulation and binding reaches its maximum. Now my arm is mature. It is soft, flexible and partially opened. He has entered a state ready for dilation with pain.
Contraction of the Uterus in Preparation for Birth
It covers the period following the completion of cervical dilation and growth, which is required for the fetus to pass through the cervix, which takes approximately 12 hours. Preparation of the uterus for birth During this period, the duration of contraction can decrease from 10 minutes to 1 minute.