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Cervical Inflammation

It is the inflammation of the cervix due to infection or irritation. This condition is caused by bacterial or viral infections. Sexually transmitted diseases are common causes. Vaginal discharge, itching and pain during intercourse are observed. Cervicitis, if left untreated, can affect reproductive health. It is treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Regular gynecological examinations provide early diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of cervicitis?

Cervical Inflammation

A colored, thick, and foul-smelling discharge may be seen. The discharge may be whitish, gray, yellow, or green. There may be pain and tenderness during or after intercourse. Itching and burning sensations may occur in and around the vagina. Burning or frequent urination may be experienced during urination. There may be light bleeding or spotting outside of menstrual periods. There may be constant or intermittent pain in the lower abdomen.

Light bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse. Irregularities in menstrual periods or heavier than normal bleeding may occur. Swelling and redness may be seen in the cervix (detected during gynecological examination). Cervicitis If you experience the symptoms, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. If left untreated, the inflammation can spread to other reproductive organs. It can lead to serious complications.

What Causes Cervicitis?

Caused by sexually transmitted bacteria or viruses such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis. These infections are transmitted from the partner during sexual intercourse. Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an imbalance in the vaginal flora. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infections can also trigger the development of cervicitis. Spermicides, vaginal douches or other chemicals used cervicitis causes it to happen.

Rough sexual intercourse and vaginal tampons can cause inflammation by causing trauma to the cervix. Decreased estrogen levels and vaginal dryness increase the risk in postmenopausal women. Poor personal hygiene can pave the way for bacterial infections. Diabetes, HIV, or other diseases that weaken the immune system increase the susceptibility to infections and inflammation occurs. The IUD causes bacterial growth that can cause infection.

How is Cervicitis Treated?

Cervical InflammationCervicitis If it is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The patient's partner may also need treatment. If it is caused by a viral infection such as cervicitis, antiviral drugs are used. This treatment does not completely eliminate the infection, but it reduces the symptoms. If it is caused by fungal inflammation, antifungal drugs and creams are used.

If there is irritation due to chemical substances (perfumed pads, vaginal douches), it is recommended to stop using these products. In case of cervicitis that develops due to estrogen deficiency after menopause, estrogen-containing cream is used. In case of chronic cervicitis, the infected tissue in the cervix is burned.

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