Myoma uteri is the name given to benign tumors that develop in the uterus in women. These fibroids usually grow with hormonal changes and genetic predisposition can also be effective. Although fibroids do not cause serious problems for most women, in some cases surgical intervention may be necessary. Such surgical intervention myoma uteri surgery It is said.
In Which Cases Is Myoma Uterine Surgery Necessary?
Myoma uteri are tumors that form in the uterus and are usually benign. Most women can live with fibroids without showing any symptoms. In some cases, these fibroids can cause serious health problems. In such cases, surgery becomes necessary.
Fibroids can cause excessive bleeding during menstrual periods. They can cause problems such as anemia and fatigue. In addition, some fibroids can increase the pressure inside the uterus and cause severe pain. In such cases that cannot be controlled with medication, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Myomas can damage the inner structure of the uterus and cause infertility. Myomas can prevent the embryo from attaching to the uterus. Myomas that increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth during pregnancy can also be removed surgically.
Large fibroids can put pressure on surrounding organs. This can cause frequent urination. It can also cause difficulty with bowel movements or a constant feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area. Surgery is indicated if symptoms negatively affect your quality of life.
Surgery is recommended if the fibroids are growing rapidly. Surgery may also be required for fibroids that are at risk of becoming malignant. In such cases, removal of the fibroid serves both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Myoma uteri surgery, is evaluated depending on the patient's symptoms and general health status. After a detailed examination, the necessity of surgery is evaluated.
How is Myoma Uterine Surgery Performed?
Myoma uteri surgery, is a procedure that involves surgically removing fibroids found in the uterus. How this surgery is performed depends on factors such as the size, number, location of the fibroids, and the patient's general health. The most appropriate surgical method is determined by the evaluation of the specialist doctor.
Open surgery is preferred in patients with large fibroids. It can also be applied in cases with multiple fibroids. Myomas are removed by making an incision in the abdomen. Open surgery is especially effective for complex cases. The recovery process is longer than other methods.
Laparoscopic surgery is performed with small incisions. It is a minimally invasive method. The surgeon uses special cameras and instruments. Thus, the fibroids are removed. This method allows the patient to recover faster. Thus, less pain is felt. In addition, the scars that may occur after the surgery are minimal.
If the fibroids are located in the uterine cavity, a hysteroscopic myomectomy is the preferred method. A camera and special instruments are inserted into the uterus through the vagina to remove the fibroids. This method is usually suitable for smaller fibroids and the healing process is quite fast.
If fibroids are causing a serious problem, complete removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) may be considered. This option may be more appropriate if the patient does not plan to have children. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The appropriate method is determined by a detailed evaluation by the patient and doctor.
Recovery Process After Myoma Uterine Surgery
Myoma uteri surgery The postoperative process varies depending on the surgery. In addition, the patient's general health status and the extent of the surgery also affect this process. The patient should be monitored carefully and the doctor's recommendations should be followed.
It may be necessary to stay in the hospital for the first few days after surgery. If open surgery (laparotomy) was performed, pain and discomfort may be more pronounced. In surgeries performed with laparoscopic or hysteroscopic methods, the patient recovers quickly. He/she is discharged the same or the next day. Pain control is important during this period. For this, painkillers prescribed by the doctor are used.
The recovery process is faster after closed surgery. After laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, patients can return to daily activities within a few days. After open surgery, the recovery process can take several weeks. Heavy lifting, strenuous physical activities, and sudden movements should be avoided.
Post-operative doctor follow-up is important for monitoring recovery. If open surgery was performed, stitches may need to be removed. Stitches used in closed surgery methods usually dissolve on their own.
Myoma uteri surgery The first menstrual period after myomectomy may begin a few weeks later. It is generally recommended to wait 6 months to 1 year for the uterus to heal after myomectomy. It is important for patients planning a pregnancy to continue regular doctor check-ups after surgery.