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How Does an Abortion Operation Take Place?

Abortion is the process of ending unwanted or health-risk pregnancies by medical or surgical methods. How is an abortion operation performed? It is performed by specialist doctors in a sterile environment within legal limits and health conditions. It may vary depending on the method used, the duration of pregnancy and the health status of the patient.

What Should Be Considered Before an Abortion Operation?

How Does an Abortion Operation Take Place?

Since abortion is a medical intervention, there are some preparations and points to be considered beforehand. This process is very important for it to proceed in a healthy way, both physically and psychologically.

It must be done by a specialist in a sterile and reliable healthcare facility. Choosing a doctor who is experienced in the field is critical to avoiding possible complications.

Before the abortion, the pregnancy week and the condition inside the uterus should be determined with an ultrasound. In addition, blood type tests, infection screenings and blood tests showing general health status should be performed. In case of Rh incompatibility, a protective injection may be required.

It is important to inform your doctor about your current health problems, previous surgeries, and medications you are taking. Some medications, such as blood thinners, may need to be stopped before the abortion. The decision to have an abortion can be emotionally challenging for some women. It may be helpful to seek support from a psychologist or talk to a trusted relative during this process.

You may need to fast for a certain period of time before the abortion. It is also recommended to wear comfortable clothes and have a companion with you during the operation. By paying attention to these steps, you can go through the process more healthily and safely.

How Long Does an Abortion Operation Take?

abortion operation The duration may vary depending on the method used, the week of pregnancy and the health status of the individual. Although it is generally known as a quick procedure, preparations before the abortion and the recovery process after should also be taken into consideration.

The most commonly used method, vacuum aspiration, usually takes between 5 and 10 minutes. In this procedure, the cervix is dilated and the pregnancy material is removed with a special vacuum device. The total time, including preparation and rest, can be approximately 1-2 hours.

Medication abortion is usually performed up until the 7th week and the process can take several days. In the first stage, medication is taken in a clinic or under the supervision of a doctor, then the second medication is taken at home to initiate the abortion process. The bleeding and abortion process can be completed in a few hours to a few days.

The examination, ultrasound and necessary tests performed before the operation may take 30-60 minutes. After the procedure, the patient is kept under observation for a short time. If local anesthesia was applied, the patient is discharged within 30-60 minutes after the procedure. In cases where general anesthesia is applied, this period may be slightly longer.

Light cramping and bleeding are normal after an abortion and may last for a few days. However, most women can return to their normal daily activities within a day or two after the procedure. abortion operation The duration may vary from person to person. Therefore, doctor's recommendations should be taken into consideration.

How Does Abortion Operation Happen? Stages

How Does an Abortion Operation Take Place?

Abortion is a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy, and this process is carried out in accordance with certain stages. abortion operation The method used during pregnancy may vary depending on the week of pregnancy and the person's health condition.

The first step before the abortion procedure is to determine the weeks of pregnancy with a detailed examination and ultrasound. At this stage, the doctor examines the intrauterine condition and decides how the procedure will be performed. In addition, blood tests and infection screenings are performed. Blood group testing is especially important. In case of Rh incompatibility, a protective injection may be required.

The curettage procedure is usually performed with local anesthesia. With this method, the cervix is numbed and pain sensation is minimized. However, in some cases, general anesthesia can be used. Before starting the cleaning of the uterus, the cervix is slightly dilated with special tools. This procedure usually takes a few minutes and the necessary precautions are taken to relax the patient.

The most commonly used method is vacuum aspiration. In this method, a thin plastic cannula is placed into the uterus and the pregnancy material is removed with the help of a vacuum device. The procedure usually takes 5-10 minutes.

After the curettage is completed, the patient is kept under observation in the recovery room for a short time. Bleeding and cramping are controlled. The patient is usually discharged the same day and can return to their daily life.

How is an abortion operation performed? Each stage is performed under sterile conditions under the supervision of a specialist doctor. Following the doctor's recommendations after the procedure is important for the healthy progress of the healing process.

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