A couple or a single woman should consult the necessary doctors before pregnancy while planning a pregnancy. pre-pregnancy counseling It is called. Nowadays, counseling preferred by many women, the ability of many diseases to occur in babies, methods of treating the mother and the baby are presented. Thus, it is a very important consultation for early pregnancy recommendations, but also to prevent unwanted situations arising with many problems related to pregnancy, it is a very important issue for your family and your life.
What is Pre-Conception Counseling?
In pre-pregnancy counseling, the woman's health is checked before she becomes pregnant, any negative situations are prevented, and she is informed about the pregnancy in order to have a healthy pregnancy and birth process. Couples who want to become parents must be psychologically, socially, physiologically and economically ready. Nurses and midwives provide counseling to couples to convey the necessary information on these issues.
The aim of this information to be given is to greatly improve the health of the mother and baby. Pre-pregnancy counselingThis period, in which the expectant mother's lifestyle before pregnancy, nutrition, control of chronic diseases and regular medication use are managed by relevant health professionals, will be beneficial for the mother to have a smooth pregnancy, birth and postpartum period.
Provides early detection and treatment of complications that may occur during or after pregnancy pre-pregnancy counseling It is of vital importance in preventing maternal and infant deaths, the risk of miscarriage, and diseases that may occur after birth. In particular, it is investigated whether the candidates who want to become mothers and fathers have had a miscarriage before, any infections or diseases, autoimmune disease, or uterine deformity.
All our patients who come for pre-pregnancy counseling are asked whether they use any addictive substances. If it is determined that it is used, the side effects and harms that the substance may have on the fetus should be conveyed to the prospective parents and discussed on the subject.
Pre-Pregnancy Consultancy Services
Identification of early risks through regular and cautious impressions.
To take the necessary precautions in a timely manner to prevent the negative effects of risks.
- Explaining to the person all the practices performed.
- The expectant mother should be informed about all situations that occur during pregnancy.
Minimizing the physical and emotional changes that pregnancy can bring to a woman and her family.
Purposes of Pre-Pregnancy Counseling
- Health of mother and baby.
- Providing intervention to identify and eliminate risk values.
- Providing information to families about pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
- Establishing a safe relationship with the family preparing for birth.
- Directing the pregnant person to the right resources.
Benefits of Pre-Pregnancy Counseling
Gebe olan kadınların %10 oranında ruhsal değişiklik ve depresyon görülmektedir. Bu nedenden dolayı hamilelik sürecinin fiziksel ve ruhsal anlamda sağlıklı geçmesinde yardımcı olur. Sorunsuz ve sağlıklı bir doğum sürecinin gerçekleşmesini sağlar. Anne – bebek ölümleri ve hastalıkları azalır. Diyabet hastası olan kadınların düşük riski pre-pregnancy counseling Thanks to this, complications that may occur before and after birth are also reduced.
Pre-Pregnancy Preparation
Pregnancy is a physiological condition, but sometimes it is possible for some situations to occur during pregnancy that can endanger the lives of both the mother and the baby. Even in normal pregnancies, changes in the physiology of the expectant mother can threaten the lives of the mother and the baby. During the follow-ups during pregnancy, the first examination that doctors and other healthcare personnel should perform is to determine the changes that may occur during the pregnancy, to diagnose medical and pathological conditions early and to minimize these conditions.
It is the detection and treatment of health problems that may occur in the expectant mother during this period, which is called the period before birth. It means that the mother has a healthy, well-groomed and trouble-free pregnancy, the baby is healthy and a healthy birth is ensured. Pre-pregnancy counseling covers not only people with medical illnesses but also all women who are considering becoming mothers.
It is aimed to improve pregnancy outcomes by investigating and improving the medical, social and genetic conditions of expectant mothers before pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy counseling Identifying the risks of the expectant mother includes recommendations for changes such as regular nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. The expectant mother should be questioned in detail about all diseases, diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, heart diseases, varicose veins and vascular occlusion, kidney and liver diseases, goiter disorders should be discussed in detail, infections affecting pregnancy should be investigated, and the necessary examination and treatment methods should be applied.
Pre-Pregnancy Nutrition Assessment
Pregnancy of women whose weight is too low or too high is at risk. Gynecology and obstetrician Op. Dr. Burçak Tok underlines that overweight women as well as underweight women can benefit from pre-pregnancy counseling.
Neural tube defects (NTD) are disorders that occur early in fetal development and cause lifelong complications. Using folic acid before and after pregnancy reduces the risk of these disorders. All women who want to get pregnant must take 0.4 mg per day. should use folic acid. However, eating disorders of women who want to become pregnant should be corrected and you should avoid taking multivitamin supplements containing vitamin A.
Evaluation of Drugs Used
Akne tedavisinde kullanılan isotretinoin, yüksek derecede teratojenik olduğundan anne olmak isteyen kişilerin kesinlikle kullanmaması gerekir. Aksi taktirde bu ilaç yüzünden yüz, beyinde ve kalp damarlarında %20 oranında kusurlara neden olabilir.
Use of birth control medications that prevent pregnancy should be stopped and implants should be removed. It is recommended to get pregnant after having a menstrual period after the removal of the implant. It has been determined that spermicidal gels, suppositories or medications applied to the vagina do not have any negative effects on the fetus.
If it is proven that women who use anticonvulsant medication for epilepsy have not had a seizure for at least two days, the medication can be discontinued. If the drug cannot be stopped, drugs with the least side effects may be preferred.
Social Evaluation
The social environment and lifestyle of people who want to become pregnant are important. This may be closely related to the survival of the unborn baby. Pre-pregnancy counseling During the service, all people who want to become mothers are asked whether they use any addictive substances such as alcohol or tobacco. If it is determined that these substances are used, their effects or harms on the baby are investigated.
Tobacco use can cause babies to be born miscarriage. Cocaine use can cause various complications, such as premature birth and premature separation of the placenta.
Since caffeine consumption of more than three cups per day during pregnancy has been shown to increase the rate of miscarriage and growth failure, caffeine use should be reduced at least three months before pregnancy.
Women with private insurance should find out in pre-pregnancy discussions how much their insurance company pays during the pregnancy. Research should be conducted on this issue for women who do not have social security.
What to Consider Before Having a Child?
There are many things to consider and do before having a child. Expectant mothers and fathers should go through all these issues before welcoming their babies and prepare themselves for this change both psychologically and economically.
People who decide to become pregnant should visit a specialist doctor and have their health status checked before becoming pregnant. Necessary precautions must be taken according to health status.
The doctor should also review the eating habits, weight gain and loss, alcohol and smoking habits of the person who wants to become pregnant. It is necessary to detect all of these before pregnancy and arrange them as necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pre-Pregnancy Counseling
1-Should You See a Doctor Before Getting Pregnant?
You can see your doctor some time before pregnancy. Vaginal smear, cervical culture and some blood tests may be performed under the supervision of this doctor. These blood tests determine whether there are vaccine-protected diseases such as rubella, hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis and chickenpox.
2-On Which Subjects Are Pregnant Women Educated?
All expectant mothers attending the pregnancy school will be taught pregnancy exercises and yoga, birth, baby care, breastfeeding, baby's health, puerperium, postpartum exercises and yoga, family planning, etc. necessary on matters Participation in the programs organized to gain knowledge should be ensured.
3-Why is Prenatal Important?
In prenatal counseling The quality of follow-up is extremely important. With this follow-up, the person's pre-pregnancy diseases and the risk rate of pregnancy are determined, and early diagnosis and treatment of disorders that may occur as pregnancy symptoms are provided.
4-When is pregnancy follow-up done?
It is performed between the 18th and 24th weeks of pregnancy (preferably the 20th-22nd weeks). One should ask whether anything has changed since the first follow-up. Review your ultrasound history recorded at the initial examination. The primary goal of postnatal care is to help maintain the health of the mother and baby and improve family and community support.
5-What Should a Mother Pay Attention to for the Health of Her Baby?
6-Why is Postnatal Care Important?