After the pregnancy diagnosis is made, checking the health of both the mother and the baby at regular intervals from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy process. pregnancy tracking It is called. 2 weeks after pregnancy is diagnosed, the gestational sac begins to be seen with ultrasound. An ectopic pregnancy is checked by ultrasound to see whether the sac is inside the uterus. The general health status of the expectant mother is checked with blood and urine tests.
How Long Should Pregnancy Follow-Up Take?
Pregnancy tracking It should definitely not be neglected. Anyone who is pregnant must be followed by a specialist doctor. In pregnancies with one child, it is appropriate to follow up every 2-3 weeks for the first 3 months. After the 3rd month of pregnancy, follow-up continues once every month. It may be monitored more frequently in cases such as if the expectant mother is overweight or underweight, has had a previous miscarriage, has multiple pregnancies, is older or younger than the mother, has hypertension, is diabetic, or has anemia. It is recommended that a doctor spend at least 30 minutes with his/her patient during the follow-up of pregnancies less than the 14th week.