excessive menstrual bleedingIt is called prolongation of the amount and duration of menstruation. Under normal circumstances, we consider bleeding that lasts 1-10 days and soils 3-4 pads every day as normal. Apart from this, more frequent menstrual bleeding is called excessive menstrual bleeding. Excessive menstrual bleeding is caused by many reasons. The most common of these are hormone disorders, myomas, polyps, ovarian cysts and intrauterine disorders.
- Fainting,
- dizziness,
- Paleness,
- Palpitation,
- Weakness,
- Tiredness,
- Menstruation lasting more than 7 days,
- If you have at least one of the symptoms such as shortness of breath, you may have excessive menstrual bleeding.
excessive menstrual bleedingIt is a condition that can be seen in every woman. excessive menstrual bleeding It can cause serious anemia problems. Severe pain may occur during bleeding.
Treatment of Excessive Menstrual Bleeding
excessive menstrual bleeding In the treatment, firstly, tests and controls are performed to determine the cause of the bleeding and the treatment method is applied accordingly. In cases such as myomas and polyps, surgery or even removal of the uterus may be necessary. In cases that do not require a surgical procedure, such as surgery, drug treatment is applied first. Generally, doctors use hormonal coils to reduce bleeding.
Treatment of excessive menstrual bleeding için kullanılan spiral kadınların içine yerleştirilir ve 5 yıl kadar orada kalır. Spiral takılınca kanamanın azalması görülmektedir. Azalmadığı taktirde rahmin alınması söz konusu olabilmektedir. Bazı hastalara spiral takılamayabilir. Spiralin takılamadığı kişilerde doğum kontrol hapları kullanması tercih edilir. Doğum kontrol hapları korunma içinde kullanılırken kanamayı %80 e kadar azaltmaktadır. Progesteron iğneleri ve hapları, antienflamatuar ilaçlar, traneksamik asit diğer tedavi çeşitlerindendir.