It is a bacterial infection that occurs in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infection It usually starts in the bladder and can spread to the kidneys. It shows symptoms such as frequent urination, a burning sensation and lower abdominal pain. It is more common in women but can also occur in men. If left untreated, it can lead to serious kidney problems. It is cured with antibiotic treatment.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?
The need to urinate frequently, especially at night. Pain, burning or stinging during urination is one of the most common symptoms. Due to infection, urine may appear cloudy and have an unpleasant odor. Especially in women, pain or pressure may be felt in the pelvic area or lower abdomen.
Urinary tract infection When it progresses to the kidneys, systemic symptoms such as high fever and fatigue are seen. Blood in the urine may indicate that the infection is progressing and may require urgent treatment. Symptoms may vary from person to person and may increase or decrease depending on their severity.
What Causes Urinary Tract Infection?
The most common cause is the entry of Escherichia coli bacteria into the urinary system through the urethra. This bacteria is naturally found in the intestines, but when it passes into the urinary tract, it causes infection. The bacteria are transferred to the urinary tract during sexual intercourse. urinary tract infection increases the risk. Frequent sexual activity, new partner changes or unprotected sex increase this risk. Improper cleaning after using the toilet can cause bacteria to infect the urethra. In people with a weak immune system, the body becomes more vulnerable to bacteria, which increases the risk.
Incomplete urination creates a suitable environment for bacteria to multiply. Conditions such as prostate enlargement and narrowing of the urinary tract in particular trigger this condition. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to infection. Structural abnormalities in the urinary tract may increase the risk. Estrogen levels decrease with menopause. This can disrupt the protective bacterial balance in the urinary tract and contribute to its formation. Urinary tract infection, can be easily controlled with early diagnosis and treatment. However, caution should be exercised as it carries the risk of spreading to the kidneys if left untreated.
How Is Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosed?
Symptoms include frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, abdominal pain, lower back pain, foul-smelling urine, bloody urine, and fever. The presence of these symptoms helps the doctor assess the possibility of an infection. The doctor will examine the patient's abdomen and kidneys to see if there is any pain or tenderness. This is important to understand how serious the infection is. A urinalysis is the most common way to diagnose an infection. A urine sample is taken from the patient and examined for the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, protein, nitrite, and bacteria. This analysis indicates the presence of an infection.
If there are signs of infection in the urine test, the doctor may order a urine culture. This test is done to identify the specific bacteria causing the infection. The culture is important to guide appropriate treatment. If necessary, the kidneys or urinary tract are evaluated for abnormalities. Ultrasound or other imaging tests are performed for this purpose. These steps include: urinary tract infection It helps to diagnose the condition correctly if it is present. It allows the treatment process to begin. If you are experiencing symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.
How is Urinary Tract Infection Treated?
For mild infections, antibiotic treatment may be sufficient, usually lasting 3-7 days. Common antibiotics include nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and fosfomycin. The infection may spread to the kidneys or become a chronic problem, in which case longer-term antibiotic treatment is required.
In this case, hospitalization is required depending on the severity of the infection. Intravenous antibiotic treatment is also planned. Drinking plenty of water helps to quickly flush bacteria from the urinary tract and speeds up the healing process. Water intake urinary tract infection It plays an important role in preventing and supporting treatment. If pain and burning sensations are intense during the infection, the doctor recommends painkillers to relieve the symptoms. In addition, in some cases, medications that relax the urinary tract and make urination easier may be prescribed.
In recurrent infections, the use of probiotics helps balance the intestinal flora. It also helps control the growth of harmful bacteria. Probiotic-containing foods such as yogurt or probiotic supplements can be used. Hygiene rules should be followed to prevent the infection from reoccurring. In particular, measures such as toilet cleaning, choosing cotton underwear and adequate fluid intake prevent recurrence. Urinary tract infection treatment, should be done under the supervision of a doctor. The prescribed medications should be used regularly for the prescribed period.