Infection caused by disruption of the normal bacterial flora in the vagina bacterial vaginosis It is called. The vagina is normally covered with “good” bacteria called lactobacilli. These bacteria keep the pH level of the vagina low. They prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. However, in some cases, “bad” bacteria increase in number and disrupt the balance. In this case, it develops.
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms
It can progress differently in every woman. Some women do not show any obvious symptoms. Others may experience disturbing symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis In this case, the vaginal discharge is thin, gray or white in color. It may have a bad fishy odor.
This odor is especially noticeable after menstruation or during sexual intercourse. There may be itching, burning, or discomfort in the vagina. Pain during sexual intercourse or a burning sensation during urination may occur. Sometimes, redness or tenderness may develop around the vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis Causes
It is not known exactly what causes it to develop. It is thought that some risk factors may trigger this condition. Having sexual intercourse and having relationships with more than one partner may increase the risk. However, this disease is not only transmitted through sexual contact.
Antibiotics cause the good bacteria in the vagina to decrease and the bad bacteria to increase. Washing the vagina disrupts the natural balance of the vagina. bacterial vaginosis Smoking can negatively affect the healthy bacterial flora of the vagina. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy and birth control pills can also increase the risk.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment
Bacterial vaginosis treatment, is usually done with antibiotics. Treatment should be done as recommended by the doctor and should be completed completely. Otherwise, the infection may reoccur. The most commonly used antibiotics in treatment include metronidazole and clindamycin. These drugs are usually taken orally or applied vaginally. The duration of treatment is usually 5 to 7 days, but in some cases the treatment period may be extended. Generally, sexual partners do not need to be treated. However, in some cases, it may be recommended that the partner be treated as well.
Prevention of Bacterial Vaginosis Cases
Avoiding multiple sexual partners and using condoms helps prevent this. Vaginal douching should not be done because it disrupts the natural balance of the vagina. bacterial vaginosis causes it to happen.
The vaginal area should be cleaned, but excessive washing and soap use should be avoided. The external genital area should be cleaned with soap-free water. It should not be forgotten that smoking can negatively affect the healthy bacteria of the vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy
It can pose a risk to pregnant women. If left untreated, it can lead to problems such as premature birth or low birth weight. bacterial vaginosis If detected, doctors usually recommend treatment. However, it is important to evaluate whether medications used during pregnancy are safe.
It is a common genital infection and can be treated. It is important to see a doctor when symptoms are noticed. Treatment is usually with antibiotics and symptoms improve within a few days. It is important to pay attention to protection methods and to ensure healthy genital hygiene.