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Information Articles

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that occurs when the normal bacterial flora in the vagina is disrupted. The vagina is normally covered with “good” bacteria called lactobacilli. These bacteria keep the pH level of the vagina low. They prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. However, in some cases, “bad” bacteria increase in number and disrupt the balance. In this case, it develops. Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms It can progress differently in each woman. Some women do not show any obvious symptoms. […]

It is an inflammation of the cervix. It occurs due to bacteria, viruses or fungi. It can be transmitted sexually. Cervical infection can cause vaginal discharge, bad odor, itching and pain. Some cases do not show any symptoms. If left untreated, it can affect reproductive health. It is treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Hygiene and protective measures are important in preventing infection. A doctor's examination provides a definitive diagnosis. Causes of Cervical Infection […]

A pregnancy that develops outside of a woman’s uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. Normally, a fertilized egg implants in the uterus and grows there, but during an ectopic pregnancy, the process is reversed. The fallopian tube is a tube-shaped organ that connects the ovary to the uterus. A pregnancy that develops here can cause the tube to rupture and lead to serious health problems that can be life-threatening. Types of Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy develops in the fallopian tube, […]

Abortion is the process of ending unwanted or health-risk pregnancies by medical or surgical methods. How is an abortion performed? It is performed by specialist doctors in a sterile environment within legal limits and health conditions. It may vary depending on the method used, the duration of pregnancy and the patient's health condition. What Should Be Considered Before an Abortion? Since abortion is a medical intervention […]

It is the condition in which the cervix weakens and opens early during pregnancy. This condition can usually lead to miscarriage or premature birth in the second trimester. The cause is congenital weakness, trauma or surgical interventions. Cervical insufficiency, symptoms of which are mild groin pain or a feeling of vaginal pressure. Treatment methods include stitching the cervix (cerclage) or progesterone therapy. Early diagnosis is essential for the healthy progression of the pregnancy […]

It is a rare type of cancer that develops in the vaginal tissue. It usually results from abnormal changes in the cells. Vaginal cancer may not show any symptoms in the early stages, but as it progresses, bleeding, pain and abnormal discharge may occur. Risk factors include human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Early diagnosis allows for treatment. Treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It is a disease that threatens women's health. Vaginal Cancer Symptoms […]

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed for genital aesthetic purposes in women. It is mostly performed to reduce the size of the inner lips, correct the shape or eliminate asymmetry. After the labiaplasty surgery, careful care and doctor's recommendations should be followed. In this way, it can be made more comfortable. Recovery Process After Labiaplasty Surgery Labiaplasty surgery is performed for genital aesthetic and functional reasons. The recovery process after the procedure is […]

Infertility is a condition that occurs as a result of difficulties encountered in the process of having a child. Infertility is diagnosed when pregnancy cannot be achieved despite sexual intercourse for a year. This condition can be caused by both women and men. Today, modern medicine offers many effective methods for infertility treatment. Surgical Infertility Treatment Methods Surgical methods play an important role in treatment. These methods, […]

It is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the inner lining of the uterus. Uterine cancer is usually seen in women after menopause. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom in the early stages. Although the exact cause is unknown, genetic predisposition is a risk factor. Treatment methods include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Early diagnosis increases the success of treatment. It is important to consult a doctor. What are the Symptoms of Uterine Cancer? Menstrual […]

They are infections caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses in the vaginal area. Vaginal infection manifests itself with symptoms such as itching, burning, and bad odor. The most common type is fungal infection. It can be caused by lack of hygiene, antibiotic use and hormonal changes. Treatment is usually done with medication. It is important to see a doctor. It can be easily treated with early diagnosis. Healthy living habits help prevent infection. Vaginal Infection […]

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