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Information Articles

It is a period characterized by a decrease in fertility ability in women. It usually starts between the ages of 45-55 and comes with hormonal changes. Menopause symptoms include menstrual irregularities, hot flashes and insomnia. It may also have health effects such as decreased bone density and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is a natural life stage and can be managed with lifestyle changes and hormone therapy if necessary. Menopause […]

It is carried out by ensuring hormonal balance and determining the underlying causes. Doctors aim to maintain a regular menstrual cycle with birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. Methods such as lifestyle changes and healthy nutrition can also help in the treatment of menstrual irregularity. Treatment depends on individual needs and underlying health conditions. How to Treat Menstrual Irregularity? Regular exercise […]

It is performed to reshape or tighten the internal and external structures of the vagina. It is preferred for situations such as postpartum tissue loosening or decreased sexual satisfaction. Vaginoplasty treatment restores the structural integrity of the vagina, increasing its functionality and aesthetic appearance. In Which Situations Is Vaginoplasty Treatment Performed? It may require congenital vaginal anomalies or structural disorders. For example, if the vagina is not properly developed […]

It eliminates functional concerns in areas such as the labia minora in the external genital area of women. Labiaplasty surgery is usually performed to reduce the size of the labia minora. It is also applied to correct symmetry or correct uncomfortable tissues. It is done by taking into account the patient's personal preferences and health condition. In Which Situations Is Labioplasty Surgery Performed? Women want changes in the shape of their labia minora due to genital aesthetic concerns. Labia […]

It is the persistent difficulty or discomfort experienced by an individual in performing or enjoying sexual activity. These include various conditions such as sexual reluctance, erection and orgasm problems. Sexual dysfunction can negatively affect an individual's sexual life. It can create psychological stress. Treatment may often include psychological counseling, medications, or surgery. Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction The person may lose interest in sexual intercourse or […]

These are changes that occur in the natural order of hormones. Hormones are chemical substances that regulate and control various functions in our body. Hormonal disorder symptoms result from problems in the production or release of hormones. Hormonal disorders can occur for a variety of reasons and often create an imbalance in the body. What Causes Hormonal Disorder Symptoms? Hormonal disorders are many disorders that have various symptoms and can be caused by various […]

One of the biggest wishes of many families is to have children. However, it is one of the periods that need to be taken into consideration during pregnancy, as well as after normal birth. When the expectant mother learns that she is pregnant and wonders when her baby will be born, she has many questions about birth methods. In general, normal birth is a recommended form of birth [...]

During pregnancy, women may face many discomforts. These disorders greatly affect the development of the baby. Generally, not eating regularly, sudden movements and careless behavior cause these diseases. The most important of these diseases is Respiratory System Diseases During Pregnancy. These diseases may be caused by the mother's genetics or by the mother's careless behavior. Smoking, being in used areas, etc. Situations like […]

Kardiyovasküler sistem hastalıkları ve gebelik, anne ve çocuk mortalitesi yönünden, önemli bir yer işgal eder. Eskiye oranla daha etkin tedavi ve daha az gebeliğe son verme zorunluluğuna rağmen, anne mortalitesi hâlâ %3,9 ve çocuk mortalitesi %10-50 arasında değişmektedir. Normal gebelik değişmeleri (Kan volumünün artması, vasküler yatağın genişlemesi, ekstraselluler önemli su retansiyonu gibi), kalbi geçici de […]

Pregnancy is protected by a very complicated security system. The system that keeps uterine contractions under control ensures that the child matures and develops in the uterus until term. Pregnancy Protection prevents premature birth. Although it has not been determined that this adjustment mechanism is managed from a center, it is known that various antagonistic factors work in complete harmony. For example: a – The pain-inducing hormone oxytocin, the oxytocinase ferment produced by the placenta […]

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