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Information Articles

Tıbbi olarak hymenoplasti olarak da bilinir. Kızlık zarı dikimi ameliyatı ile, kızlık zarı tekrar onarılır veya yeniden oluşturulur. Genellikle kültürel veya dini nedenlerle tercih edilir. Operasyon, bir kadının vajinal ilişkiye girmeden önce kızlık zarının olduğunu göstermeyi amaçlar. Ancak bu prosedürün etkinliği ve etiği tartışmalıdır ve tıbbi riskleri vardır. Kızlık Zarı Dikimi Ameliyatı Hangi Durumlarda Yapılır? […]

It is the process of removing the contents of the uterus by surgical or medical methods for the purpose of terminating pregnancy. Abortion surgery is usually necessary to prevent undesirable consequences of pregnancy or for the health of the mother or fetus. It is performed under the supervision of a doctor. It is subject to certain legal regulations and medical protocols. In Which Situations Is Abortion Operation Performed? It is done when a woman is facing an unwanted pregnancy and does not want to continue the pregnancy. Pregnancy, […]

It is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty in arousal, difficulty in achieving orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse. Sexual dysfunction in women is caused by physical, psychological and relational factors. It can negatively affect a person's sexual life. Methods such as psychotherapy, medications or sexual therapy may be used in treatment. Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in Women: Decreased or no desire for sexual intercourse or sexual activities. Sexual […]

It involves the management of benign tumors in the uterus called myomas. Myoma uteri treatment options include medication, surgery, and radiotherapy. Medications can help reduce symptoms. Surgical interventions may include removing the myoma or removing the uterus. Radiotherapy may reduce the size of myoma or relieve symptoms. The treatment plan is determined based on myoma size, symptoms, and the patient's overall health. How to Treat Myoma Uteri […]

Dyspareunia, in its medical name, refers to pain experienced during or after sexual activity. Both men and women can be affected by this condition. Pain may be felt in the genital area, in the pelvis, or in deeper abdominal areas. Painful sexual intercourse can negatively affect the quality of sexual life. What are the symptoms of painful sexual intercourse? Pain may be felt in the pelvic area, vulva, around the penis or anus during intercourse. […]

It is performed to improve the appearance, function and comfort of the vaginal area. It covers vaginal aesthetic surgery and non-surgical procedures. Treatments include reshaping and tightening procedures of the outer lips, such as labiaplasty. It may also include aesthetic and functional improvements such as vaginal rejuvenation. Its purpose is to resolve aesthetic concerns. To correct postpartum deformations and improve sexual functions. A personalized program designed to increase personal comfort and self-confidence […]

It is a situation where a couple cannot achieve pregnancy within a year despite regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility in women may be caused by disorders of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Factors such as hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome may cause it. Diagnosis and treatment are made through medical evaluations and various treatment methods. What are the symptoms of infertility in women? Symptoms of infertility in women are often due to underlying health problems […]

It is a condition in which a woman experiences a distinct lack of interest or desire in sexual activities or relationships. Lack of sexual reluctance in women is the state of not wanting to have sexual contact or intercourse with a partner. It may also manifest itself with symptoms such as decreased or absent sexual drive and difficulty in orgasm. It may be caused by physiological, psychological or relational factors. It can affect a person's sexual life. Understanding the causes of the situation and […]

It is a condition that occurs as a result of the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and the vagina, which is the female reproductive organ. Vaginal prolapse is linked to the displacement or loosening of the vagina due to factors such as aging, childbirth, and obesity. It can negatively affect women's quality of life and cause problems such as urinary incontinence and pain during sexual intercourse. What are the symptoms of vaginal prolapse? It may create a feeling of pressure or discomfort in the area. Sexual […]

It is the process of rebuilding the hymen. Hymenoplasty surgery is performed by those who want the hymen to appear full and intact before having sexual intercourse. Repair or reconstruction may be desired for cultural or personal reasons. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia and usually requires a short recovery period. In what cases is hymen suture surgery performed? In some societies, keeping the membrane intact means sexual [...]

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