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Information Articles

It is also called uterine prolapse or uterine prolapse. Uterine prolapse means that it sags or shifts downwards from its normal position. The uterus is held in place by pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues. If these tissues become weakened or damaged, the uterus may move downward. What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse? One common symptom is heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area or vagina […]

Various medical and surgical procedures are performed to change the physical appearance, function and feeling of the vaginal area. These treatments are called vaginal rejuvenation. It is preferred for aesthetic purposes. It is also preferred for reasons such as postpartum recovery, treatment of vaginal health problems and increase in sexual satisfaction. However, there are different opinions about the medical necessity or ethical aspects of such procedures. Vaginoplasty is the removal of vaginal walls [...]

It is also medically called hymenoplasty. The surgical procedure that aims to repair women's hymen is called hymen stitching. It is a thin membrane layer located at the entrance of the vagina. In some societies, it is seen as a symbol of virginity. However, in many women it can be damaged or stretched naturally. In Which Situations Is Hymen Stitching Performed? It may be damaged as a result of a congenital anomaly or trauma. This […]

Bad vaginal odor can be caused by a variety of reasons. It usually results from disruptions in natural balance. Common reasons for bad vaginal odor are frequently asked by patients. Infections such as bacterial vaginosis and fungal infections cause unpleasant odor. It normally exists in a delicate balance containing certain amounts of different types of bacteria. When this balance is disrupted, bad odor occurs. Excessive cleaning, […]

Ovulation problems, tube obstruction, polycystic ovary syndrome, and genetic factors trigger it. Infertility treatment depends on the underlying causes. It often involves medications, surgery, and assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization. In any case, it may be a challenging situation for a couple and requires professional medical attention. However, it cannot always be improved or resolved. Solving couples' fertility problems […]

It refers to the correction of the lips in the vulva area for aesthetic and functional reasons. It is a surgical procedure that also involves reshaping. It may be performed to improve the size, symmetry or appearance of the labium majus. After labiaplasty, the patient generally achieves the desired appearance. Healing Process After Labioplasty After genital aesthetic application, you will need to stay under surveillance for a few hours. During this time, until the effects of anesthesia wear off […]

It occurs when urethra closure and intravesical pressure do not match. It occurs when the muscles that control urination and the muscle groups called sphincters weaken. Urinary incontinence in women occurs when they cannot function. It is a problem that affects daily life and negatively affects the quality of life in different ways. A treatment plan is created that includes new generation surgical intervention methods. Physician specializing in gynecology [...]

It is a surgical procedure performed when it is not possible for a woman to give birth normally. Cesarean birth stages are preferred in cases where there are possible risks for the baby or mother. Before moving to the hospital room where the birth will take place, the woman must be properly prepared. At this stage, the type of anesthesia is usually determined and the necessary medical interventions are performed on the woman. It is usually performed with epidural or spinal anesthesia. […]

It is a method used to monitor a woman's pregnancy and predict her due date. Pregnancy calculation is usually made from the beginning of the last menstrual period. Pregnancy duration is generally considered to be 40 weeks or 280 days, but each woman's duration may be different. The most commonly used method is the date of last bleeding based on the start of the last menstrual period. (SAT) This […]

It is a situation that women can experience. Vaginal prolapse means that it moves downwards from its normal position as a result of the weakening of its tissues. It is surrounded by muscle and connective tissues that support organs such as the urinary bladder, uterus and rectum. Causes may include aging, childbirth, excess weight, chronic cough, heavy lifting, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes. Symptoms include pressure, feeling of heaviness, wall bulging out, […]

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