normal birthIt is the birth of the baby vaginally, without the need for medication or intervention, as a result of the opening of the cervix along with spontaneous contractions in the pregnant person between 37-42 weeks. It is the most natural birth method preferred by most expectant mothers. It is possible to give birth easily if there are no problems in the baby's development and the mother's body structure.
Birth consists of exactly 3 stages. The first phase is the period from the start of regular contractions to full dilatation, the second phase is the period from full dilatation until the birth of the baby, and the third phase is the period ending with the separation of the placenta.
How Does Normal Birth Begin?
normal birth, it is usually seen that it starts differently in every woman, but in women -80, it starts to show itself in the last month of labor with light preparation pains. Afterwards, the pains gradually accelerate and the intensity of the pains starts to get much stronger every five minutes. In such a case, it is necessary to go to the hospital. Apart from this, it is also seen that the water discharge, known as the discharge of amniotic fluid, is accompanied by the feeling that urine has leaked into our pants when there is no pain. This situation also shows that labor has started.
Normal Birth Stages
normal birth It consists of three stages. In the first stage, as a result of the contractions in the uterus and the rupture of the membranes in the amniotic sac, bloody water similar to mucus begins to come from the uterus. This water, known as the beginning of labor, is actually amniotic fluid. The time of birth may vary from person to person. of the labor period occurs in this stage. As a result of the labor pains occurring regularly every 10-15 minutes, the cervix begins to dilate. If you want to reduce your pains a little and relax at this stage, you can do these kinds of activities.
- walking,
- taking a warm shower,
- Applying relaxing breathing techniques,
- changing position,
- Listening to distracting music,
Applying relaxing breathing techniques and positions can help relieve your pain a little. When the uterus reaches 6-7 centimeters in width, the baby's head puts pressure on the birth canal and the pain becomes more frequent and begins to intensify. The baby's heartbeat and how dilated the cervix is are constantly checked by doctors and nurses. Birth takes approximately 14-16 hours.
In the second stage, the cervix reaches a width of 8-10 centimeters and birth begins. At this level, along with the pains, the expectant mother begins to push reluctantly, and the pains continue at the highest level for 60-70 seconds every 2-3 minutes. During this time, the baby's heartbeat continues to be listened to frequently. The harder the expectant mother pushes as the pain comes, the faster the baby's head comes out and the birth ends faster.
In the third stage, birth is over and the mother takes her baby in her arms. Even though the baby has come out of the mother's womb, the placenta, which is the connection between the mother and the baby, is still in the mother's womb. The placenta is removed from the mother's womb with a little straining and massaging the uterus. After the placenta comes out in one piece, it is stitched back if the vaginal entrance was cut to prevent tearing before birth. At this stage, the patient's bleeding is finally controlled and the birth is completed.
Benefits of Vaginal Birth
Vaginal birth has many benefits for both the mother and the baby. normal birth The benefits on the mother can be listed as follows;
- Since invasive techniques are almost never used in vaginal birth, it carries the least risk of side effects such as infection and bleeding.
- Patients who have a vaginal birth can return home earlier.
- vaginal birth Women who do this have less pain after birth.
- In women who give birth vaginally, the baby feeds faster because milk comes out faster.
- Women who give birth vaginally feel very strong and experience a sense of accomplishment during birth. According to research, it has been stated that even though women experience so much pain, they will prefer normal birth again in the next birth.
Benefits of Vaginal Birth for Babies
The benefits of vaginal birth for babies can be listed as follows.
- Babies begin to encounter bacteria the moment they enter the birth canal during vaginal birth. It is thought that the baby's introduction to bacteria is very important for the immune system.
- After birth, mother and baby reunite faster, which is an important and very special moment for the first bonding.
Since breast milk comes faster after vaginal birth, babies can feed faster.
Vaginal Birth Symptoms
There are many symptoms of normal birth. Not all symptoms may occur in all pregnant women. For example, some symptoms, such as engagement, may go unnoticed or may not occur at all.
- normal birth symptoms; Conditions such as bloody discharge called engagement, regular contractions, water breaking, back pain, feeling of relaxation, feeling energetic and happy, and frequent urination can be listed.
- Engagement (Blood Stream): A mucus plug is placed in the cervix to protect the baby from infection in the uterus. As the baby descends and birth approaches, the plug comes out with some blood. Thus, when the expectant mother goes to the toilet or in any other situation, she encounters a pinkish or brown stain on her underwear. This stain is popularly known as engagement. This spot can be seen just before birth or a few days before birth.
- Regular Contractions: Regular contractions are the surest sign of the beginning of labor. You can change positions to tell the difference between real labor and false labor. If the contractions do not stop or if the contractions become more frequent and intense, this is a real labor.
- Water breaking: The sac in which the baby is in the womb is filled with a fluid called amniotic fluid. As the contractions begin, the membrane of the sac ruptures and amniotic fluid begins to flow. This situation is known as water breaking. If you have no symptoms and your water breaks, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.
- Back pain: During labor, your muscles begin to contract and stretch, which can also affect your back muscles. For this reason, back pain can be clearly seen before labor in some pregnancies.
- Feeling of Lightness: As the baby's head enters the birth canal, the mother's belly appears lower. The mother feels lighter because the baby approaching the birth canal does not put as much pressure on the lungs.
- Frequent Urination: Again, as the baby descends, the bladder will contract and the mother's desire to urinate will increase even more.
- Feeling of Happiness and Energy: Some expectant mothers feel very energetic and happy when there is a short time before birth begins.
In Which Week Does Birth Start?
normal birth It usually occurs between the 38th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. Births that start before the 37th week are called preterm birth, and births that start after the 42nd week are called late births. The birth symptoms mentioned above may appear even 4 weeks before the baby's due date.
Situations That May Prevent Normal Birth
Health problems that may prevent pushing during birth, active infection in the expectant mother, previous uterine surgeries, aneurysm in the mother's brain, progressive heart muscle problems, heart diseases, presence of genital herpes and warts, infectious diseases, myoma surgery, previous cesarean delivery. The narrowness of the mother's pelvic roof are among the conditions that may prevent normal birth.
Problems with the baby's position and heartbeat, gastroschisis, where the fetus's intestines are outside the abdomen, cases of spina bifida and hydrocephalus, the baby standing on its side, breech presentation in the first pregnancy, the baby weighing more than 4 kilos, or the baby's heart rate during birth follow-up, which is one of the most common reasons. is the breakdown of the shot.
Causes related to the placenta and cord: The placenta completely covers the cervix or the baby leaves the placenta early, the umbilical cord hangs from the vagina before the baby is born, and multiple pregnancies (twin, triplet pregnancy).
Frequently Asked Questions About Normal Birth
Normal birth is a form of birth that women generally fear, but is known to be more beneficial for both the mother and the baby. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. answers all the questions women have about vaginal birth. Dr. Burçak Tok answered the most frequently asked questions on this subject for you.
1- Who Can Have a Normal Birth?
Normal birth, also known as vaginal birth, can be performed by all pregnant women, except for some conditions.
2-Can Women Who Had a Cesarean Birth Have a Normal Birth?
In order for women who have previously had a cesarean section to choose vaginal birth for their next birth, at least two years have passed since the cesarean section, the baby's weight must be below 4,000 grams, there has been no uterine surgery such as myoma other than cesarean section, and the intensive care conditions of the expectant mother and the baby are good. and the mother must not have pelvic stenosis.
3-What awaits you in the first stage of birth?
In the first stage, the baby's heartbeat will be listened to and the nurse or doctor will monitor how dilated the cervix is.
4-What awaits you in the second stage of birth?
In order for the second stage not to be prolonged, you need to push along with the pain. The harder you push, the faster your baby will move down the birth canal. Eventually the baby's head comes out. Thus, after a few intense strains, the baby is fully born.
5-How Does Normal Birth Happen?
Vaginal birth occurs when the expectant mother's labor pains, that is, muscle contractions in the uterus, begin, and after the obstruction of the cervix is removed, the cervix opens completely and the baby enters the birth canal and exits the vagina.
6-What to Pay Attention to After Normal Birth?
After vaginal delivery, it is important to monitor bloody vaginal discharge called lochia. Bleeding will decrease day by day and will turn yellow and stop within approximately 3 weeks. This period is known as the postpartum period. Esipyotomy is the process of making an incision in the vagina so that the baby can come out more easily during birth. Solutions should be used regularly to care for the stitches in the area.
Medicines recommended by the doctor should be used, the baby should be breastfed with the correct breastfeeding technique and a regular and balanced diet should be taken to increase milk supply. 3 liters of water should be consumed per day. If the baby is not breastfeeding, you can express your milk with a breast pump to prevent milk from accumulating in the breast to prevent breast abscess and breast infection. If you are greatly affected by a psychological situation during the postpartum period, you can get help from a psychologist. The baby's vaccinations and check-ups and the mother's doctor's check-up in the first week after birth should not be neglected.
7- Are There Risks of Normal Birth?
The risks of vaginal birth occur as the birth time increases and continue as follows;
- Disruption of the baby's heart rhythm,
- When the water sac is opened, the baby's cord comes out of the vagina,
- If the baby separates from the placenta early during birth, an emergency caesarean section may occur.
However, in case of irregular and deep tears in the vagina that may extend to the anus when the baby comes out during birth, the patient may need to be stitched under anesthesia. In addition, there may be a risk of bladder and uterine prolapse in older people and difficult births.
8-Will the Vagina Be the Same After Birth?
Even though puerperium lasts 40 days, it can take up to 6 months for the woman's body to fully return to its pre-birth state. The vagina has a structure that heals very quickly. 40 days after birth, the postpartum stitches heal and the vagina returns to its previous structure.