Hymen stitchingIt is an operation preferred by women who have had sexual intercourse before. Women who have lost their virginity have this procedure done in order to get blood again when they have a new relationship. Hymen stitching It is done by taking tissue from the person himself.
Hymen Stitching Methods
There are two different methods called permanent and temporary.
- Temporary Hymen Stitching: Temporary hymen stitching should be done at least 3 days before intercourse. It is a short and easy procedure performed under local anesthesia and takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Temporary hymen planting The vaginal entrance is narrowed and stitches are placed on the inside of the hymen with very thin threads, invisible from the outside. Its purpose is to prevent bleeding during intercourse rather than repairing the hymen. There is no need for a check-up after temporary hymen stitching.
- Permanent Hymenoplasty: Hymenoplasty is a procedure that includes vaginal tightening along with the flap method of restoring the hymen, which has a healing process of approximately 1 and a half months. It is performed under local anesthesia and takes approximately half an hour. Permanent hymen planting Bleeding occurs no matter when people who have it have sexual intercourse throughout their lives. After permanent hymen transplantation, a check-up is required.