0533 088 82 64 info@burcaktok.com Doğu Mahallesi Aydınlıyolu Caddesi, Medalyon Sk. No: 9 Pendik / Istanbul Update Date: 30.10.2023

It is the general name of medical approaches that aim to alleviate the effects of hormonal changes in women's bodies. Menopause treatment usually aims to reduce symptoms using hormone replacement balancing medications. Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia. Treatment options are personalized based on the individual's health history and symptoms. In what cases is menopause treatment performed? Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia. […]

It is characterized by the deviation of the menstrual cycle from normal. In women, it manifests itself with symptoms such as menstrual irregularity, menstruation not coming on time, and being too frequent. Factors such as hormonal changes, stress, weight change, and thyroid problems may cause it. This condition, which is important for women's health, can sometimes be a sign of a serious underlying health problem. It may require treatment. Symptoms of Menstrual Irregularity in Women Unexpected lengthening of the menstrual cycle […]

It is a sexual dysfunction in women characterized by excessive contractions in the genital area. Vaginismus makes sexual intercourse or vaginal penetration impossible. Physical and psychological factors may contribute to this condition. Treatment includes sexual therapy techniques led by a psychologist. What are the symptoms of vaginismus? Severe pain or stinging sensation during sexual intercourse or vaginal penetration. Vagina […]

It refers to the situation where unwanted or expected results are not experienced in sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction occurs as problems with sexual desire, arousal, orgasm and satisfaction. It can negatively affect a person's sexual life. It may be caused by psychological, physiological or relational factors. It can be managed with various treatment options. What are the symptoms of sexual dysfunction? There may be a significant decrease or increase in the person's sexual desire. Some people have sexual […]

The situation in which a couple experiences disagreements about their relationship and expectations is called spousal sexual incompatibility. It includes differences in issues such as sexual desire level, sexual orientation, fantasy and satisfaction. Incompatibility can create stress and dissatisfaction in the relationship. It can lead to lack of communication and emotional distance. The solution can be provided with open communication, empathy and, when necessary, professional sexual therapy. Why is Sexual Incompatibility Between Spouses […]

It is also known medically as hymenoplasty. With hymenoplasty surgery, the hymen is repaired or reconstructed. It is generally preferred for cultural or religious reasons. The operation aims to show that a woman has a hymen before having vaginal intercourse. However, the effectiveness and ethics of this procedure are controversial and it has medical risks. In Which Situations Is Hymenoplasty Surgery Performed? […]

It is the process of removing the contents of the uterus by surgical or medical methods for the purpose of terminating pregnancy. Abortion surgery is usually necessary to prevent undesirable consequences of pregnancy or for the health of the mother or fetus. It is performed under the supervision of a doctor. It is subject to certain legal regulations and medical protocols. In Which Situations Is Abortion Operation Performed? It is done when a woman is facing an unwanted pregnancy and does not want to continue the pregnancy. Pregnancy, […]

It is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty in arousal, difficulty in achieving orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse. Sexual dysfunction in women is caused by physical, psychological and relational factors. It can negatively affect a person's sexual life. Methods such as psychotherapy, medications or sexual therapy may be used in treatment. Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in Women: Decreased or no desire for sexual intercourse or sexual activities. Sexual […]

It involves the management of benign tumors in the uterus called myomas. Myoma uteri treatment options include medication, surgery, and radiotherapy. Medications can help reduce symptoms. Surgical interventions may include removing the myoma or removing the uterus. Radiotherapy may reduce the size of myoma or relieve symptoms. The treatment plan is determined based on myoma size, symptoms, and the patient's overall health. How to Treat Myoma Uteri […]

Dyspareunia, in its medical name, refers to pain experienced during or after sexual activity. Both men and women can be affected by this condition. Pain may be felt in the genital area, in the pelvis, or in deeper abdominal areas. Painful sexual intercourse can negatively affect the quality of sexual life. What are the symptoms of painful sexual intercourse? Pain may be felt in the pelvic area, vulva, around the penis or anus during intercourse. […]

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